And with this January Photo-A-Day Challenge is a wrap ! :)
Looking forward to February... enjoy !
25. A taste of winter - make that terrible snow in winter
Yours' truly,

Looking forward to February... enjoy !
21. Blue - baby girl's toy elephant
22. Nice - my new laptop mouse
23. Bedtime - my bedtime read these days ... spooky !
24. Your space - my comfy couch
25. A taste of winter - make that terrible snow in winter
26. Fun Stuff - catching up on blogs
27. Something I bought - my new iPhone case
28. Dinner - Peppermint rice
29. Window - large French windows
30. Best invention ever - has to be the iPad since it is easy for all age-groups to use
31. Polka Dot - on baby girl's onesie
Yours' truly,