January 16, 2014

My 150th blog post : Aachoooo ! Sniff !

This marks my 150th blog post. Yay ! :-)
Source : Google Images
And if you have guessed it right, yes, I have been a little under the weather with a bad cold and cough.
Actually it's not just me, but our whole household.
Thanks to hubby dear who brought in the cold virus a week ago. Also thanks to the awesome weather that we are having. Not.
A week ago, I was like - "Cold and me ? Not likely to happen if Baby Girl and I just stay out of LP's vicinity and dress ourselves smartly in warm clothes if we have to step out of the house for anything, right?" Wrong.
The virus strikes you wherever you are in the house. And the weather may choose to play games with the temperature when you have to step out to buy weekly groceries.
So last Saturday, we trudged along to the supermarket dressed in our best wintery woolens. But the weather took a hike from the blasting chill and showered us with some extra rain all through the evening while perfectly maintaining the mercury at summer temperatures.
The next day, Baby Girl came down with a cold. And the saga continues. Sigh !
Hope to get back to normal in a couple of days. Till then, stay well during this crazy weather everyone.
Yours' truly,
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**Linking to the Ultimate Blogging Challenge - January 2014, Blogathon - 2014 and NaBloPoMo**
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  1. Sorry to hear you're under the weather. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Eydie :)

  2. Congrats on your 150th post! What an accomplishment! I hope you and your family get better soon! Take those meds :)
    - Paulette Romero

  3. Congratulations on your 150th post!

  4. Oh Boy! I hope you three get well real soon.
    Congrats on your 150th post.
    Cheers to many many more :)

  5. Get well soon and congrats for 150!!

  6. Aww get better soon! Congrats on the 150th post! :)

  7. Congrats on the 150th! Here's to many more! Hope you're feeling better...

  8. Feel better! We had that last week! Went through all nine of us! Big hugs!

    and CONGRATS ON 150!! WOW!! that is amazing!
